Penetration Testing

Grey box penetration testing and it's brief intro
white box penetration testing and it's brief intro
black box penetration testing and it's brief intro

Penetration Testing In UAE

Penetration Testing, also known as “pen testing”, is a simulated cyber attack performed on a computer system, network, or web application to evaluate its security. The goal of a penetration test is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system and to assess the effectiveness of security controls in place. Penetration testing is a proactive approach to improving cybersecurity by providing organizations with a clear understanding of their security posture and the risk of a potential attack.

Penetration Testing Service in UAE can be performed using manual testing methods or automated tools, and can be done on-demand or on a regular basis to assess the effectiveness of security controls over time. The results of a penetration test can be used to develop and implement security improvements, to enhance security awareness, and to assess compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Our Services


Firewall, IDS & IPS

Network & Infrastructure

Server & Endpoint

IoT Devices

Your Key Benefits

Assessment Report

Our experts after performing the task will you provide a detailed assessment report which will be beneficial  in understanding the flaws in your company.

Security Certificate

We will help to get certified with your personal choice certification.  

Expert Consultants

We also make sure you that your assessments are performed by qualified experts which have certificates like CEH, OSCP, CISA, CISSP . 

Our Penetration Testing Methdology

We take holistic approach to perform penetration test with security checklists based on industry standards, including OWASP Top Ten, PCI Compliance etc., combined with our experts to yield best results. 

Steps for performuing penetration testing


Penetration Testing Tools in UAE allow organizations to perform regular testing, which helps to assess the effectiveness of security controls over time.Here are some important aspects to consider when conducting a penetration test:

  • Scope: Define the scope of the test, including the systems and networks that will be tested, the type of testing to be performed (e.g., white box, black box penetration testing ), and any limitations or restrictions.
  • Preparation: Prepare the systems and networks to be tested, including ensuring that backups are in place, and ensuring that the testing environment is isolated from production systems.
  • Methodology: Choose an appropriate methodology for the test, such as the OWASP Testing Guide, and document the steps to be followed during the test.
  • Tools: Select the appropriate tools for the test, and ensure that they are properly configured and updated.
  • Ethical hacking: Ensure that all testing activities are performed within the bounds of ethical hacking practices and the law.
  • Communication: Establish clear lines of communication with stakeholders, including the system owners, security team, and any other relevant parties.
  • Documentation: Document all testing activities, including the results of each test and any vulnerabilities discovered.
  • Reporting: Provide a clear, concise, and actionable report of the results of the test, including recommendations for remediation.
  • Remediation: Work with the system owners to implement the recommended remediation steps, and verify that the vulnerabilities have been adequately addressed.
  • Follow-up: Schedule follow-up testing to verify that the remediation steps have been effective, and to assess the overall security posture of the systems and networks being tested.
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